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- Ajou University Suwon, South Korea
- Chonnam National University Kwangju, South Korea
- Chungang Univesity Seuol, South Korea
- Daejeon University Daejeon, South Korea
- Dong-eui University Pusan, South Korea
- Gang Dong Public Library Seoul, South Korea
- Hallym University Chunchon, South Korea
- Honam University Kwangju, South Korea
- Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Daejeon, South Korea
- Korea University Seoul, South Korea
- Kyungnam University Kyungnam, South Korea
- Kyungpook National University Taegu, South Korea
- Kyungsung University Pusan, South Korea
- National Assembly Library Seoul, South Korea
- Pusan National University Pusan, South Korea
- Pusan University of Foreign Studies Pusan, South Korea
- Sangmyung University Chongno-gu, South Korea
- Seoul National University Seoul, South Korea
- SookMyung Women’s University Seoul, South Korea
- SoongSil University Seoul, South Korea
- SungKyunKwan University Seoul, South Korea
- The National Library of Korea Seoul, South Korea
- YeungNam University Gyongsan, Kyungbook, South Korea
- Yonsei University Seoul, South Korea
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